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Contact & Links

RISE (Rape Incest & Suicide Education) -Under Construction!

If you have questions or concerns,
if you need assistance with any of these issues,
or if you would like to contribute something
such as your true story, please email:


Add us on Myspace!
Just click this banner:
Add RISE On Myspace!
We support the Myspace group
"Death Penalty For Rapists"
Add it if you like:
Add DP4R!
We also support Dreamcatchers For Abused Children.
Please add them on Myspace at:
They also have state directors
who have their own Myspace pages,
so please add the one closest to you!
Also, please visit their official website: www.dreamcatchersforabusedchildren.com
DFAC Official Myspace
For more information on rape and incest,
visit RAINN.org:

For help with suicide, or self mutilation,
visit To Write Love On Her Arms on Myspace:
To Write Love On Her Arms

You are not alone!