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Ways To Help

RISE (Rape Incest & Suicide Education) -Under Construction!

Any help you choose to offer
will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you to all those who already help!

We have banners made.
If you'd like some for your page,
just let us know, and we will send you the codes...

We are always looking for new pictures.
If you have any pictures you would be willing
to let us use, let us know...

One of the most important things about RISE
is sharing our stories, in order to
let survivors know they're not alone.
IF you have one, please email me at

We have recently created flyers
to print out and put up at
grocery stores, libraries, clinics, etc.
If you would like some to print out and put up
where you live, we can email them to you...

Any poetry or artwork you might have
that is related to the issues RISE deals with,
if you wouldn't mind sharing them,
we can credit you if you like,
or leave you anonymous for privacy reasons...

Please let us know your if you'd like to help. Thank you!


You are not alone!